The race was in 1965, and Lindgren's time (for three
miles) was 13:04.02. When converted to 5000m using
the Portuguese Tables (arguably the world's best
at that stage) the time became 13:33.6.

But ten months later he ran 12:53.0 at Seattle,
equivalent to 13:22.2.

Pretty good even today, they then ranked 5th and 2nd
in the world all-time lists for 3M/5k.

--"That horse's but's, P.N. from New Zealand" - M M Rohl
   (hopefully he meant horse's butt)

  On Mar28 David Dallman
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

   On reflection (my track books are all at home) I think it was 1964 and
13:04.8 for Lindgren.

Earlier on Mar28 he wrote:

   I first saw Gerry Lindgren at London's White City stadium in, I think,
1965. Ron Clarke had taken the world 3 mile record down from about 13:14
to just over 13 minutes and this day was about to take another 8 seconds
off. In those days Ron just ran away from everybody much of the time, and
the best British runners were nowhere after a couple of laps that day. But
this little American guy, not looking at all like a runner next to the
rather majestic style of Clarke, stayed with him all the way until about
the last 2 laps, and finished in 13:07 something, which must have been
second best all-time at the time. Hard to appreciate for you younger guys
when we are talking about these times or better for the 5000 these days,
but it was great running at the time, really going into unexplored
territory in a fearless way.

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