Hello all,
I am still a bit puzzled that it is safe enough to hold the WC XC on the
Belgian west coast while it is not safe to hold it on the Irish
mainland, especially since the mouth-and-claw disease (as is the literal
translation from Dutch) crossed the canal and has reportedly been found
in France. 
Still, the championship seems to be on. The Belgian championships were
held there this weekend and the IAAF was present. Apparantly, it is a
quite demanding course. h

So courtesy IAAF,
Wilmar Kortleever



Fédération Internationale d'Athlétisme Amateur


19 March, 2001
MONTE CARLO - Monaco - Over a thousand Belgian athletes competed Sunday
on the course of the forthcoming 29TH IAAF World Cross Country

What would have been a dry run before the championships was anything
but, as gusting winds off the sea coupled with rain and temperatures
just above freezing point to make the Belgian national trials a true
test of endurance.

Last Sunday's competition involved everyone from school kids to the
seniors in a veritable cross country-fest that ran virtually non-stop
from 9.30 am to 4 in the afternoon. Heat following heat in a daisy chain
of races
watched by thousands of local enthusiasts and proud parents shouting
their encouragement and who often stepped in to massage their
youngsters' aching limbs after the races.

Cross country is big time sport in Belgium and is preceded only by
football and cycle-cross in the winter popularity stakes.

The attendees at the nationals were rapturous despite the tough weather
conditions and gave some measure of the support that can be expected the
weekend of 24-25 March, when the world's best will battle their way
around this same course, laid out on the Wellington Hippodrome.

According to IAAF Competition Director Sandro Giovannelli, who followed
Sunday's programme, the course will be demanding, with a fair amount of
mud in the bends creating problems for the competitors. "It is more
demanding than Dublin," commented Giovannelli, " the course is
relatively flat, but the surface is not as smooth as in Dublin, there
are some pretty tight bends and these are very muddy in places.

"Couple this with relatively long grass throughout and we have all the
makings of a traditional "mud and guts" course that will have the
Championship contenders giving of their utmost." 

Whilst the course will be tough, the rest of the competition
organisation is proceeding exactly according to plan, despite the three
short weeks that the local organisers have had to step in and take over
from Dublin. "It really is a credit to the Belgium Federation, their
local partners, the Ostend Tourist Board and the organisers of the Ivo
van Damme Memorial. They have all stepped in to fill the breach since
Dublin had to cancel and they have really done a great job, " said

Rendezvous at the Hippodrome Wellington, Ostend, Belgium 13.05 pm on 24
March for the start of competition.


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