Sonia O'Sullivan has been narrowly beaten by America's Amy Rudolph in
a tight finish to the BUPA Ireland Run.

Rudolph pulled away from the Irish star in the final 100 metres of the
10k race in Dublin's Phoenix Park, setting a course best of 32 minutes
16 seconds.

O'Sullivan finished two seconds behind with Irish cross-country
champion Jolene Byrne third in 32mins 21secs.

Former Olympic 5,000 silver medallist O'Sullivan took part just eight
days before running in the London Marathon.

"Not many runners preparing for a marathon can run as fast as that," she said.

Meanwhile, O'Sullivan's training partner Craig Mottram scored an easy
third successive win in the men's race.

Mottram won from Chris Davies in a time of 28:35, just nine seconds
shy of his course record.

Davies, back in serious action after falling off his bike and
sustaining what was thought at first to be broken back, showed good
form with a respectable time of 29:07.

There was a close battle for third place when Mark Miles surprised
John Mayock by out-sprinting the European indoor 3000m silver


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