Wednesday 30 March 2005

Isabella Ochichi, who decisively defeated Paula Radcliffe over 10km
last Saturday in New Orleans, will compete in this year's BUPA Great
Manchester Run, in Manchester, England on 22 May 2005.

The 25-year-old Kenyan who is the Olympic 5000m silver medallist ran
the world's second fastest ever 10km time of 30:27 for the distance
when decisively beating the current World record holder Paula
Radcliffe by 18 seconds in the Crescent City Classic race in New

Ochichi was just six seconds short of the World record (30:21, Paula
Radcliffe, San Juan, PUR 23 Feb 2003) and will be expected to make her
mark again in the sell-out 20,000 participant race in Manchester.

"We're not setting Isabella any targets, but I see no reason why she
cannot challenge the UK-All Comers record time of 30:38," said the
event's athletics director Matthew Turnbull. That performance was
achieved by Radcliffe in London's Richmond Park, in September 2002.

"Certainly the form Ochichi is in at present, suggests the record is
there for the taking and the class of her opponents will, I'm sure,
ensure a fast race if the weather is on the runner's side."

The Netherlands' Kenyan-born Lornah Kiplagat, who took her own famous
10km victory over Radcliffe in San Juan in 2004, Latvia's Jelena
Prokopcuka, the winner of the recent Osaka Marathon (2:22:56), and
defending champion Sonia O'Sullivan of Ireland will offer the Kenyan
top opposition.

Meanwhile, Ochichi will be in action again this weekend when competing
over 5Km in Carlsbad in the United States where 12 months ago she won
superbly in 14:53.


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