
Grace, speed and determination won him two gold medals. Off the track
he is just as competitive. This week he will be fighting to bring the
2012 Olympic Games to London

Clare Balding
Sunday February 13, 2005
The Observer

Lord Sebastian Newbold Coe, OBE, BSc, prefers to be known as Seb.
Slim, fit, intelligent, eloquent, well dressed and handsome, he cuts
an impressive figure. He is 48, although the signs of advancing years
are being battered into submission by a combination of regular
exercise, careful diet, fresh air and what appears to be just a hint
of tinted shampoo.

The chairman of London's 2012 Olympic bid, Coe will be at the
epicentre of this week's inspection by delegates from the
International Olympic Committee. The report drawn up by the inspectors
is crucial to London staging the Olympic Games. The visit must go
smoothly, the presentations must be impressive and it would help if it
doesn't tip down with rain. For mere mortals, it would be a week of
sleepless nights and strange bowel movements but for the double
Olympic champion, former Conservative MP, government whip and
president of the Amateur Athletics Association, it is a challenge to
be relished.

After all, as Coe is fond of saying, 'stress is entirely self-inflicted'.

Coe is one of life's great overachievers. There simply aren't enough
pies for his multi-talented fingers, not enough challenges out there
for a man who wants to prove himself over and again. He was one of the
world's greatest ever middle-distance runners, moving with the grace
and elegance of a thoroughbred racehorse. To watch him flow through a
race was like watching a beautifully choreographed ballet, but the
grim determination etched on his face belied the steel within. Looking
good was useless if it did not produce results.

In the late '70s and early '80s, Great Britain was divided, not by
politics but by athletic allegiance. You were either with Coe or with
Ovett. You couldn't be both. Ovett was rugged, moody and tough. He was
not pretty to watch but he was seen as the honest, working class
grafter, short on words but long on effort. Coe, with a degree in
economics and social history from Loughborough, was the clean-cut,
polite embodiment of middle-class suburbia. In girls' talk, Ovett was
the bit of rough while Coe was the one you'd bring home to meet your
parents. The two were not close friends.

Coe was coached throughout his career by his father, Peter, a tough,
sharp tongued, forceful character who cajoled and pushed all four of
his children to make the most of themselves. His eldest son got the
closest attention and the full force of his father's ambition. They
had rows along the way but Coe has always paid generous tribute to his
father, arguing that he would have been nothing without him.

In 1973, when Coe was 17, Peter announced that his son would slice
five seconds off the world record for the 1,500 metres. It was some
prediction to live up to. In 1979, Coe set three world records in the
space of 41 days over 800 metres, a mile and 1,500 metres. His mass
appeal seemed to be confirmed when he was voted BBC Sports Personality
of the Year at the age of 23 and without a gold medal to his name.

The following year, Coe was favourite to win the 800 metres at the
Moscow Olympics in 1980. He was beaten by Ovett. Having caught his
breath and contained his surprise Coe said: 'Tomorrow is another day,
and there will be another battle.'

The two met again in the 1,500 metre final a few days later. Coe won,
Ovett took the bronze medal. It was the first and most famous example
of Coe's ability to pick himself up after defeat, dust himself off and
come back revitalised.

In Los Angeles in 1984, Coe again won the gold medal over 1,500
metres, the only man to win the title twice, and took silver over 800

He was the first athlete to address the IOC on the subject of drugs
and has always been a fierce critic of doping in sport. He was,
however, accused of blood doping by an American athlete called Jeff
Atkinson. Blood doping (the removal and subsequent re-injection of red
blood cells in order to boost oxygen flow to the muscles) was made
illegal in 1985. Coe has been the subject of exhaustive investigation
by at least one British journalist intent on proving that he was not
as clean as he appeared, without any evidence being uncovered.

In 1988, his training interrupted by illness, he failed to make the
final of the British Olympic trials in Birmingham. Steve Cram and
Peter Elliott were now at the forefront of middle-distance running and
the British selectors decided not to include Coe in the team for

Juan Antonio Samaranch, a long-time Coe admirer and then president of
the IOC, tried to get the rules changed so that defending champions
had automatic passage to the Olympic Games. He failed and Coe did not
compete. The following year, he retired from athletics. In total, he
set 12 world records, including a mark for the 800 metres that stood
for 16 years and is remembered by athletics experts as one of the
finest pieces of middle-distance running ever seen.

'The great thing about athletics,' Coe once said, 'is that it's like
poker sometimes: you know what's in your hand and it may be a load of
rubbish but you've got to keep up the front.'

And so it was that he decided to step from athletics into the world of
politics. His accession was rapid and in the election of 1992, he
became the Conservative MP for Falmouth and Camborne. He served time
as parliamentary private secretary to Nicholas Soames and to Michael
Heseltine and in 1996, just four years after walking into the House of
Commons, was made a government whip.

He never achieved his desired post of Minister for Sport. Perhaps if
he had been allowed to play his strongest card, his constituents may
have been more disposed to re-elect him in 1997. As it was, he lost
his seat in another very public defeat.

Cue the rubber ball and Coe bounced back as private secretary to the
new leader of the opposition, William Hague. Throwing him on a mat as
part of their judo sessions was one of the perks of the job but Coe
could not perform miracles. An exhausting campaign ended in failure.
When the Conservatives lost the general election of 2001 and Hague
stepped down as leader, Coe also walked out of Tory Central Office to
make more use of his recent elevation to the Upper House.

When Coe turns his attention to something or someone, the full force
of his personality and his considerable vigour are brought into play.
It can be a cold and shadowy place when he is not paying attention but
when the spotlight swings your way, it is impossible not to be caught
in the glare. He is a man of great passion and energy, attributes
which have combined with disastrous consequences to the long-standing
relationships in his life. Asked to give a recipe for a cook-book some
years ago, Coe offered oysters in lemon juice. 'As everyone knows,' he
wrote, 'oysters are the most famous aphrodisiac and as Nicky and I
have four children, I guess this speaks for itself.'

Unfortunately for Coe, it spoke rather too loudly. His marriage to
Nicky, a former Badminton three-day-event champion, ended in divorce
in 2002. A handful of glamorous, beautiful and bright women have since
been seen on the arm of a man who is aware of his power to attract but
is perhaps most drawn to those who pose the greatest challenge.

Not surprisingly for one endowed with so many natural talents and one
to whom things seem to have come easily (this is the impression he
creates, even if it is not true), Coe has made his enemies along the
way. During a well-publicised spat with Linford Christie, he charged
the sprinter with boorishness. Christie countered by saying that Coe
never mixed with his fellow athletes, was aloof and superior. There
may be some truth in both of their views.

Coe is a ridiculously busy man. He has always felt the need to fill
every second of the day and is in and out of international airports
with the regularity of a customs officer. Consequently, he does not
have the minutes in the day for people whom he does not think worth
the effort or those he considers to be fools. If that means treating
them with disdain, then that is what he will do, if only to save time.

When he does relax, he listens to jazz or watches Chelsea, although
only this season can the latter be considered 'relaxing'. His public
life is a strange combination of altruism and self-interest. He has
faith in himself and his ability to bring out the best in others.

Coe believes in the London bid with the zeal of a disciple. Not only
that London can win, but also that hosting the Games will be hugely
beneficial to the people of this country. He speaks with passion about
leaving a lasting legacy for sport, of inspiring the next generation
of Olympians, of creating something that matters beyond who crosses
the line first and who picks up the gold medal.

'Sport is a universal language,' he has said, 'building more bridges
between people than anything else I can think of.'

Coe speaks that universal language and while he may not be so hot on
the detail, the nitty gritty of mechanics, he sells the pitch
exceptionally well. If there is anyone who can bring the Olympic Games
to London, it is Seb Coe.

If the bid fails, it will hurt like hell but it won't be the end of
him. Coe will be back in another guise, taking on another challenge,
putting himself in the firing line once again. He doesn't do second
place. It doesn't sit well and if it happens, he finds another contest
and makes sure that he comes out on the winning side.

Sebastian Coe

DoB: 29 September 1956

Jobs: Peer of the realm as Lord Coe of Ranmore; Chairman of London 2012

Family: Was married to Nicola McIrvine - they divorced in 2002 (two
sons, two daughters)

Olympic golds: For 1,500 metres in 1980 and 1984


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