Electronic Telegraph
Tuesday 22 August 2000
Tom Knight

THE two-year doping bans imposed yesterday on Linford Christie, Dougie
Walker and Gary Cadogan by the International Amateur Athletic Federation has
left Mark Richardson wondering if his Olympic dream will be shattered for a
second time.

Back in doubt: Mark Richardson whose Olympic hopes face a further setback
It was only four weeks ago that Richardson, Britain's main 400 metres hope,
was cleared by UK Athletics to compete again after 10 months out of the
sport following his positive test for the controversial steroid, nandrolone.

His reprieve was based on the early findings of research being carried out
at the University of Aberdeen which suggested that the combination of
intensive exercise and the ingestion of apparently legal dietary supplements
can lead to higher than acceptable levels of nandrolone in an athlete's
urine sample.

The same findings, based on only three athletes and three laboratory
assistants, were offered in evidence at last week's arbitration hearings for
Christie, Walker and Cadogan - who were also cleared by UK Athletics after
testing positive for nandrolone - but were rejected by the IAAF because they
said "no conclusion could be drawn at this stage of the Aberdeen research to
exonerate the athletes".

As a result, Richardson was told that he, too, must face an arbitration
hearing which the IAAF said would take place before the Games open in Sydney
on Sept 15.

Richardson, who booked his place in the team by winning the 400m at last
week's Olympic trials in Birmingham, plans to fly to Australia after further
races in Brussels and Berlin.

If he can reproduce anything like the form he showed last summer, when he
was the leading European, he stands every chance of winning a medal. But his
preparations are now in chaos because he faces the prospect of being banned
on the eve of the Games.

Istvan Gyulai, the IAAF general secretary, said: "All efforts will be made
for Richardson's case to be heard before the Olympics so we do not have to
readjust results afterwards. It would be very embarrassing and I'm sure UK
Athletics would not want that either."

He added: "We are not saying Christie, Walker and Cadogan are cheats. We are
saying that there is a prohibitive substance in their system. Because of
this, they have an unfair advantage and we must protect the other athletes."

The rulings on all four Britons have left David Moorcroft, the chief
executive of UK Athletics, on a collision course with the IAAF. He
challenged the sport's world governing body by demanding an independent
inquiry to examine the way both bodies handled doping cases.

Moorcroft said: "This brings into question the relationship we have with the
IAAF. UK Athletics put in place credible panels whose decisions the IAAF
have rejected. I would like an independent inquiry to look into our
procedures and those of the IAAF and find out who is right and who is wrong.

"We know the results of the Aberdeen research are not conclusive but because
of this the IAAF have given the benefit of the doubt to the system and not
to the athletes. The IAAF are adopting a presumption of guilt - not
innocence - and we believe this is a breach of natural justice and is
contrary to all principles of basic law.

"What happens if this research eventually proves conclusive? They cannot
retract these decisions and that is disgraceful."

UK Athletics responded to Richardson's predicament by naming Iwan Thomas,
the European champion, as a reserve for the Olympic 400m. Thomas was omitted
from the first list of names announced last week because he had not achieved
the qualifying time.

Yesterday, however, he was added to the 4 x 400m relay squad and given until
Sept 11 - the IAAF deadline - to achieve the 45.80sec he needs to be able to
replace Richardson.

The banned athletes responded with bewilderment, anger and, in Christie's
case, an apparent disregard for the effect the sanction could have on his
career as a coach, manager and television presenter.

Walker will appear before a news conference in Edinburgh tomorrow, but one
of the Scot's legal team, Marcel Apfel, admitted the sprinter was
"devastated" by the arbitration hearing's conclusion.

"We are shocked and very surprised about the decision," said Apfel. "Dougie
is inconsolable."

Christie, whose positive test last February contained almost 200 times the
permitted level of nandrolone, did not even attend the IAAF hearing,
claiming his exoneration by UK Athletics was enough to prove his innocence.

He said: "I have never taken any banned substance and the IAAF have not
suggested otherwise."

Christie still intends going to the Olympics with his athletes - who include
medal contenders Darren Campbell, Katharine Merry and Jamie Baulch - but the
1992 Olympic 100m champion will still face problems in Australia.

While he may yet be allowed British Olympic Association accreditation to
coach at the British holding camp on the Gold Coast, a bye-law in New South
Wales prevents him working at any state-owned facility in or around Sydney.
A similar law applies throughout the country.

The ban may also affect Christie away from the track. He has already lost
his lucrative contract with Puma and yesterday was informed by the BBC that
they would not be using him as a summariser during the Games.

Eamonn Condon

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