Wednesday 13 April 2005

There would be no school in Kipsomba had it not been for Paul Koech's
outstanding distance running career. The Kenyan athlete, who has been
one of the best long distance track runners in the world and since
2003 has turned his attentions to the marathon, has funded the
building of a primary school outside this small Kenyan village, which
is 30km north of Eldoret.

The Silgich Hill Academy was opened in January 2004 and has 80 pupils.
And as Paul Koech, the 1998 IAAF World Half Marathon champion explains
there are plans for another charity project concerning education at a
secondary school for older children.

Built and funds the school - feeds the children

It all started after Koech had bought some farm land near Kipsomba. "I
then thought that I should do something for the community", explained
Paul Koech. As a successful athlete he wanted to give back something
to his country. Since there was no school in the area Koech decided to
build one, and so bought another piece of land for the building.

"I started running at primary school", said Koech. When he became a
serious athlete he realised that a lot of other athletes had no
education. "Either this was because there was no school where the
athletes lived or it was simply because they were not motivated to go
to school."

Koech employs eight teachers and five non teaching staff at his
school, which houses 80 pupils at present. School starts at 7 am and
goes on until 4.30 pm. There are three breaks: Morning tea at 10 am,
lunch and evening tea. "Most of the food served at Silgich Hill
Academy comes from my own farm", Koech explained. The children are
between three and eleven years old at present, but will stay at the
school until they are 14. The school is semi-private, which makes sure
that the level of education is higher than usual. "The teachers are
eager to teach the children", commented the 35 year-old runner.

In contrast to most of the primary schools English is the main
language at Silgich Hill Academy while Swahili is a subject. "Normally
it is the other way round. The people in the community are very happy
that they have a school for the children – this is very encouraging
for them." There is a fee for attending the school. But if parents
have not enough money Paul Koech helps out. At present he pays the
fees for eleven children and hopes to find more funding for his

Financing education in secondary school too

And there is a second charity project he will support. This is in
conjunction with Kimbia Athletic, the management group recently
founded. Koech belongs to the Kimbia team and they plan to support a
number of Kenyan children by financing their education in secondary
school, which is normally not provided in Kenya. "May be some of them
could go on to university and become athletes", said Koech. But again
the primary objective is not the sport but to support the education of
the children.

"When I will retire from running one day I intend to live at Kipsomba.
It will then be my aim to find young children who are talented for
running and help them with education." At present four of the boys at
the school do run and look quite promising. But of course it is not a
condition for the pupils that they start running when they start going
to the school.

The goal is now Chicago

Meanwhile, Koech continues his career. Originally he intended to run
the Boston Marathon on 18 April. But there were some problems during
his build up training. So he decided to do shorter road races in the
spring. Recently he had won the Dallas 8km. The big goal this year is
the Chicago Marathon in October. "My aim is to break my personal
best." It was two years ago, when Koech was second in Chicago in
2:07:07. It was his debut at the distance.

So Koech continues two campaigns – his athletics career and his
involvement for the children back in his home country. "Without
running there would be no school", he says. But of course he would be
happy to find further funds. Just 400 US Dollars pay a child's annual
fee, including teaching, meals and school's clothing.

Jörg Wenig for the IAAF


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