In a message dated 25/10/2000 7:56:32 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> In many of the countries, there is great emphasis on
>  development, here, everyone wants to win; get the fastest, strongest or 
>  powerful, put them out on the track and/or field and have them compete and
>  score as many points as possible.  This is not development and many
>  good/great talents quit the sport get injured or just plain burn out on it
>  before they get to the highest level.

I have always enjoyed istvan Balyi's approch to the long term devlopment of 
an athletes career which has four phases.

Train for Fun (damentals)
Train to Train
Train to Compete
Train to Win

We do not partcicpate in the first two on most occasions and rarely actually 
approach the third.  The final phase i where we tend to start here in the 
states.  Of course having coaches and a system that have the knowledge and 
encourages this view would be a nice step in overall development of USA T&F.  

Randy Huntington

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