Very cool, this was a long time needed in JSP. I'm looking forward to this.


Shawn Bayern wrote:

>On Sat, 31 Aug 2002, Mark R. Diggory wrote:
>>So, I'm wondering, if EL is going to be available in the JSP 2.0 Core. 
>>Does this mean the following?
>>1.) Most taglibs for JSP 2.0 will be able to adopt to EL without much in 
>>the line of code modifications?
>><prefix:tag attribute='<%=session.getAttribute("foobar")%>'/>
>>could easily be rewritten as
>><prefix:tag attribute='${sessionScope.foobar}'/>
>Yes, exactly.  The tag doesn't need to know whether the page author used
>an rtexprvalue or the EL.
>>and the setting of the "Attribute" would be independent of the
>>evaluation of this would be independent of ${sessionScope.foobar}in
>>the taglib?
>Sorry, I'm afriad I don't understand what you're asking here.  But
>${sessionScope.foobar} gets evaluated by the container under JSP 2.0, not
>by the tag; the tag need not use the EL API itself.
>>2.) Will we be able to do things like this?
>><a href="${sessionScope.foobar}">An example of EL outside of a custom 
>>tag. </a>
>Yup - or in plain template text too, as in
>  <p>
>   What were you <i>thinking</i>
>   when you ordered
>   ${number} gallons of yogurt?
>  </p>
>>I have some some custom taglib's I've been working on, I was thinking
>>of integrating the EL Engine from JSTL into them and now, if the above
>>is true, I'm wondering if I really have to do that? Or if I should
>>just focus on implementing them for JSP 2.0.
>It's just a matter of timing.  If you want to use the EL today, you should
>probably call the evaluator yourself.  But if you can wait a few months,
>then the need goes away because JSP 2.0 takes care of the problem for you.

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