complaining about the quality of his imports.
> The user was contacted, he didn't react as I understood. There for he 
> was "short time blocked". That's a very fair and fine reaction from 
> the DWG. The user was not banned or something, just blocked for short 
> time to gain his attention.
> And: why should the DWG contact the french community at first?

Perhaps, because the user doesn't understand English ....

How do you react if you're blocked by a Chinese, Russian message ?
 > he didn't react
Will'you react ?

It's an important question for OSM community to have local admin.

The more I read this mailing list, the more I see a very central 
autoritative an non contributor based

Please show me that I'm making jugement mistake, and show me that our 
work, after beeing uncertain by licence, isn't threatened by 
centralistic, autoritative, english only person who can set live or dead by
non community based decisions.

Guillaume DELVIT
Democratic OSM French contributor .....

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