I have posted a new proposal for parking lanes. Please comment as much
as you want at http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/parking_lane

P.S.: English is not my main language, so if there's an american or
british english expression better then "parking lane", feel free to
add there.

Arlindo Saraiva Pereira Jr.

Bacharelando em Sistemas de Informação - UNIRIO - uniriotec.br
Consultor de Software Livre da UNIRIOTEC Consultoria - uniriotec.com

Acadêmico: arlindo.pere...@uniriotec.br
Profissional: arlindo.pere...@uniriotec.com
Geral: cont...@arlindopereira.com
Tel.: +5521 92504072
Jabber/Google Talk: nig...@nighto.net
Skype: nighto_sumomo
Chave pública: BD065DEC

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