Spent the last two weeks od December in Malta and have to say that the
OSM data for the island and for Gozo was excellent. Did have the same
problem with OSMAND avoiding the obvious short cuts which I have in the
UK, but given the quality of some of the roads I can understand the
difficulty actually tagging some of them. On can be driving down a nice
new stretch of tarmac, and then be on something closer to compacted

Only thing that was a problem was the 'third dimension'. Now I am used
to hills and winding roads down steep drops. I live in the Cotswolds ;)
But Malta takes it to a whole new level. I was parking the car on the
second level of the hotel, having driven down from looking OVER it ...
another 5 floors above the lower road level. The only indication on OSM,
the steps at the side of the hotel. At least the routing got it mostly
right and knew which levels to use to get to the right road.

Not sure there is an easy way to enhance the display to show the 'angle'
of the road but had a good time helped by well detailed mapping data.
Thanks to those who contributed it.

( Am looking to OSMAND as a means of creating other map displays )

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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