
Ever since BRCK ( was announced, we've been discussing how 
it could help OpenStreetMap. To map places off the map, we can definitely use a 
"backup generator for the internet". The BBC 4 program from this morning 
explains this very well

I'm asking for your support to make this happen. Making All Voices Count is 
holding a Grand Challenge, and OpenStreetMap on BRCK is competing. The first 
phase involves collecting votes and comments of support. Honestly, this has 
been pretty spammy, across all the projects. But since this is one 
consideration in the judging, if you are inspired to do so, please give your 
authentic support to the project by giving genuine thumbs up and substantive 

                                  Please vote and comment!

Thank you

* Mikel Maron * +14152835207 @mikel s:mikelmaron
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