Hello, I quite recently imported Ordnance Survey Boundary-Line data
(October 2018, OGL v3) for recently changed electoral wards in
Manchester (changeset
65101926 <https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/65101926>). I hope this
isn't controversial - these boundaries are useful to me and potentially
others as well, and I understand that the OGL is compatible with OSM.

But I've now noticed that the outer boundary of the wards is not coincident
with the current administrative boundary for Manchester City Council in OSM
(relation 146656 <https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/146656>) - as far
as I can see, the discrepancies are up to about 5m or so. However it is
consistent with the city boundary in the same OS dataset. The sources for
the existing OSM data seem to be mixed - there are references to Ordnance
Survey sources (without dates), in some places the boundary ways are
rivers, there are also references to the "historic course" of a river and
so on.

So I'm a bit out of my depth here. As things stand in the OSM data, there
are slivers of land all around the periphery which are in Manchester but
not in any ward in Manchester, or vice versa, which can't be right. Plus
there are data in OSM which are labeled as sourced from OS Boundary-Line
but which are not consistent with the latest data from that source. The
problem is that there are numerous boundary relations sharing nodes
(neighbouring authorities, counties, "historic counties" etc) and cleaning
all this up - even if I was confident about where or whether the latest OS
data has priority - would be quite tricky, not to say time consuming.

So would it be best to leave things as they are, inconsistencies and all?

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