Hi Andrew,
Great interaction and transparency!

I have not read the code, will have a look but not sure how much I will 
understand. Therefore I'm asking how do you determine the location of the POI 
to be added?

In the NSW the address data was part of an area of the plot of land the address 
is for. So as part of the import process the area was converted to a node 
Long driveways or other thin parts of the plot resulted in the node often being 
outside of the actual area.

Also most plot of lands have the house towards one end and garden in the other. 
This results in the node outside of the building.

I assume that you do not intend to manually correct node locations such that 
they are on top of an unit.

On 19 May 2021 11:26:57 pm AEST, Andrew Harvey via Talk-au 
<talk-au@openstreetmap.org> wrote:
>I've started to summarise the general consensus to some of the import
>questions at https://gitlab.com/alantgeo/vicmap2osm#community-feedback.
>Another thing is where someone has mapped an address with
>housenumber=2/5, but Vicmap is indicating it's unit 2 number 5, we
>convert this to addr:unit=2 addr:housenumber=5. This is slightly
>overstepping simply importing Vicmap data, to changing existing data in
>OSM (which mostly for the rest of the import, if OSM says something
>different we flag it for manual review), so I'm happy to also skip
>However, given X/Y usually means unit/number, and then only where
>Vicmap data confirms this, and given addr:unit is a widely used tag for
>unit value, I feel it's probably best we do this.
>Soon I'll share some links to actual maps and data that show exactly
>what would be changes so we can do more QA.
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