I've spent much of the past week in eastern Ontario and done some
mapping near the Ontario/Quebec boarder while visiting an old
friend... I do have a few questions...

- Coming back Toronto I set-up my GPS and recorded a track from
Cornwall, ON to Toronto, ON on the VIA Rail train (why, because I
could :-) ). So, we are talking a *.gpx file track of approx. 400 km.
(or approx. 250 miles). My temptation would be to upload that whole
track, but I have read comments about not uploading tracks that are
too long. So, what is the recommended upper limit for a *.gpx track
length and are there any Linux friendly tools that make splitting
track files painless?

- My friend in eastern Ontario looked over the Open Street Map of his
village (near Cornwall, ON) and noted some errors. Some missing
streets I now have *.gpx track files to correct. I have a reference to
a village owned website that notes village council meeting minutes
regarding street name changes. The village council minutes will note
things like "the street named X is being changed to street name Y".
Can I depend on those meeting minutes or should I send friend out with
camera and ask him to take images of the sign at the intersection of
streets A and Y?


Colin McGregor

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