Peter Miller <> writes:

>> Would you consider the GPL licence?
>> Name ideas:
>> "Tora"- The Open Routing Algorithm?
>> "Aora"- Andrew's......
>> What's it written in, maybe that could help with the name....PyOra,  
>> for example?

> A name... Who is this project aimed at? You need to answer that one  
> before choosing the name. If is a bunch of clever back-end code that  
> can be used by anyone wanting to put a journey planner together then  
> you need a name that works for techies, otherwise you have the much  
> harder task of building a pubic facing brand which will probably need  
> marketing and other stuff to make it work.
> Assuming you are producing something for the techie community then it  
> needs to be memorable and relatively unique. Avoid a phrase that just  
> says what is is because there are going to be too many of those! If  
> the project is good and gets used then the name will become well known  
> so the most important thing for a techie project is that it is good.  
> It is also important to build a community that can engage with it, so  
> do provide a way for people to engage with the project - a wiki page  
> for describing the project and for feedback and suggestions seems to  
> work well and of course making it open source. Is also takes a lot of  
> work.

To answer the questions posed here:

Yes, it would be GPLv2 (or above).  [Perhaps GPLv3 would be better
because one of the new concepts in that is software as a service -
i.e. the use of GPL software through a webpage.]  I don't want to
start a discussion on that here though.

It is written in C for Linux.  Currently the web pages use JavaScript
and perl scripts; I should probably include them in the release.

I never really plan who my software is aimed at.  "It's useful for me"
is my normal motivation.  I am not planning to go into competition
with Google maps by providing a web service.  Also I don't think that
it is really a TomTom competitor in the embedded domain.  The software
will be for techies and the existing web page will remain as a
demonstration of what it can do.

I am not new to releasing software[1] but I haven't crowdsourced a
name before.  Normally I haven't had a problem with thinking of one;
in this case I didn't really bother I just wanted to get it visible to
start with.

A wiki page?  Perhaps just a mailing list to start with.

Give me a couple of weeks and the code will be available.  For your
part make sure that you tag all the highways you edit with routing
software in mind.

Andrew M. Bishop                   


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