Should probably be asking on the main list, but I am only looking at UK data 

Having cleared many of the licence problems locally, just a few odd ones which need resurveying if they go, I'm now looking to add another layer of detail, but there is no consistency in the way this is being done in the area currently, so I can't simply copy a method.

Main problem is adding building consistently. With the Bing imagery and my local knowledge of the area I've added a lot of local buildings, such as on the local industrial estates, but I think I've missed a trick to date. I've added postcode to what is essential a block of buildings using the addr:postcode tag, but I think that I SHOULD probably be mapping each unit individually, so that each address can be unique? Adding a node for each inside the building block just seems like a bodge, and on some buildings I've actually been replacing the node with the area and moving some tags over.

Other areas have the linked list of nodes with interpolated addresses, but I have already spotted that these do not actually work well since our new housing estates tend to be random clusters of properties around a tree like road plan rather than regular houses side by side in a row. Again I would rather add each building ( two for a semi-detached? ) and their data.

Finally ... 'mapping for the renderers' ... objects like car parks and other areas are correctly mapped as areas with all the right data on them, then newcomers are adding nodes such as 'car park' within the area. Should the renderers be adding those icons automatically for an area? I've got the same thing with supermarkets and some other shops ...

Oh - and are phone_number tags allowed nowadays. I was asked not to add them but that WAS some time back, and I see that the tag does seem to have been accepted now? This is probably another set of data that is better as a secondary layer with other contact information.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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