
Transferando este mensaje de Pierre, que llama para ayuda para seguir
mapeando en Nepal, especialmente de contribuidores experimentados.

El monzón va a llegar pronto en Nepal. Se necesita ayudar a gente
rápidamente, proporcionarles alimento y abrigo. Todavía hay muchos
tareas urgentes para terminar de detectar campamentos informales en
montañas, pueblos dañados, ...

Por favor, siguenapoyando OSM / Katmandú Living Labs / HOT para apoyar
aNepal y a la comunidad internacional.



-------- Message transféré --------
Sujet :         [HOT] Urgent : Nepal earthquake , we still need your help
Date :  Sun, 10 May 2015 11:11:25 +0000 (UTC)
De :    Pierre Béland <pierz...@yahoo.fr>
Répondre à :    Pierre Béland <pierz...@yahoo.fr>
Pour :  HOT Openstreetmap <h...@openstreetmap.org>

The monsoon is coming soon in Nepal. To avoid an epidemy, it is
necessary to help people rapidly, provide them food and shelter. There
are still many urgent Jobs to complete to spot damaged villages,
Informal camps in moutains.

Please continue to support this HOT / OSM / Kathmandu Living Labs to
support the Nepal government and the international community.

*For all contributors*
% com-
pleted      Task Manager job
79%   #1018 Nepal Earthquake, 2015, detailed mapping 2nd pass
91%   #1009 Nepal Earthquake, 2015, Gorkha, Residential areas and
buildings <http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/1009>

*For experienced contributors*
% com-
pleted      Task Manager job
56%   #1024 Nepal Earthquake, 2015, Severely damaged housing areas and
IDP Informal camps, Gorkha <http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/1024>
61%   #1030 Nepal Earthquake, 2015, Severely damaged housing areas and
IDP Informal camps <http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/1030>
16%   #1044 Nepal Earthquake, 2015, Severely damaged housing areas and
IDP Informal camps, Trisuli Valley <http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/1044>
91%   #1023 Nepal Earthquake, 2015, Pilot task, Helicopters landing and
common leisure, Northern Dhading <http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/1023>



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