Hi Eugene,

Actually a lot of the items in the HOT style are pretty generic and
not specific to HOT. For example the style zooms down to level 20, so
in areas that are very dense you can visualize more of the points of

One thing I'm interested in is seeing if there are ways to make the
style more universal. Meaning the focus for this style was a project
in Haiti and it has been tested a bit in parts of Africa. Are there
features or icons that would make it more universal? For example we
were discussing how a hamburger icon for fast food isn't necessarily
obvious to everyone.



On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 11:37 PM, Eugene Alvin Villar <sea...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> There's a recent addition to the map styles/layers available on the main OSM
> map and this is the Humanitarian style which was developed by the
> Humanitarian OSM Team (HOT). Check it out here:
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=9/14.5317/121.0281&layers=H
> According to HOT, this map style "focuses on the developing countries with
> an emphasis on features related to development and humanitarian work." And
> that this style is interesting since it has "good contrasting style in terms
> of overall colour choices" and shows "many new/different icons (particularly
> for basic amenities in developing countries) and more nuanced surface
> tracktype rendering."
> As far as I know, there's not so much use of HOT-specific tagging in the
> Philippines so this style is not that much useful. Still, it's a welcome
> addition to the Standard, Cycle Map, Transport Map, and MapQuest Open
> layers.
> Eugene
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