There is an Open Street Map party being planned for Toronto on October
26. Bring a laptop and/or a GPS receiver to the party. Details to be
seen here:

On the above web page there is a note asking people to sign up via For those wanting to sign-up in advance go to the
following page:

The Open Street Map party will be held in the same hotel and the day
after the Ontario Linux Fest for anyone who is interested in coming to
Toronto for the weekend. Details about the Ontario Linux Fest can be
seen here:

Recently I tossed a bunch of article ideas out to the editor of a
Linux oriented publication I have written for (and been published by)
in the past. Of the ideas I tossed out the only one the editor went
for was "An Introduction to Open Street Map". So, over the next 2
months I need to pull together 2,500 words of newbee material (not a
real issue :-) ). Now, I have been offered a short term loan of a
portable battery powered GPS. But I am still on the lookout for a
portable GPS that I can run independent of my laptop (currently the
only GPS I have is a unit that came with a copy of Microsoft's
"Streets and Trips 2006" (yes in the last two months I have bought a
Microsoft software package, only to toss the software, and keep the
 electronics that came with the software :-) ) ).

So, anyone have suggestions as to an Open Street Map usable battery
powered GPS that is as inexpensive as possible?


Colin McGregor

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