On 4/20/10 3:44 AM, Frederik Ramm wrote:
> Hi,
> Alan Mintz wrote:
>> At 2010-04-19 10:45, Mike N. wrote:
>>>    I see that the separate VS tangled argument has been settled in the US by
>>> the "Duplicate Node attack bots", who have blindly merged all duplicate
>>> nodes.
>>> http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/38855677
>> Is this really happening? Can someone describe exactly what criteria are
>> being used, and just how it was decided that this was a good idea?
> It seems that someone is, more or less blindly, using the JOSM validator
> de-duplication. Doesn't look like a bot but, as Richard said, has
> similar results.
given the way that it is currently set up, i'll wager that a lot of less 
josm users are doing this, because the validator, in its current form, 
leads them
down this path.


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