At the end of February, a dear friend to this list and the tango world, Sergio 
Suppa of Erie, unexpectedly passed away in Argentina at his sister's home.  
Sergio started the Erie tango community and would often come to Pittsburgh to 
support our events in our early years.  Tall, handsome, and elegant, he was the 
epitome of the Argentine tango dancer, standing out wherever he went.  A doctor 
by trade, he also taught both ballroom and tango dancing to spread the love of 
dance.  Under his guidance, the Erie community blossomed.  And boy could they 
party!  Tangueros from Pittsburgh and Cleveland would often head to Erie for 
fun milongas where wine flowed freely and tango ruled the dancefloor (with 
occasion breaks for ballroom).  It was one such trip that Donald Hsu convinced 
Sean & I to take that sparked our interest in traveling elsewhere just for 

His influence, though, stretched well beyond the tri-state area to all around 
the world through his meaningful essays on tango shared on several listservs, 
which pre-Facebook was the main way tango dancers communicated worldwide.  As 
an older Argentine who had lived in the States for many years, he provided 
great insight into Argentine culture and traditions.  Of particular interest 
was his explanation of male/female dynamics in Argentina and its influence in 
tango, such as the concept of machismo.  His essays on Argentine history and 
music, also educated many, as well.  These listservs were mostly populated by 
teachers and organizers, such as myself and Sean, who found his essays useful 
in guiding and educating our own communities.  His words have helped guide the 
foundation for tango communities around the globe.

While we will miss him on Earth, it is comforting to know that he will be 
joining his other tango friends from Erie in a big milonga in Heaven.  Sergio, 
may you dance in peace.

An article Sergio wrote on tango history.

Another piece Sergio wrote on machismo.
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