Lois asks:

"So, if that is true that only Close Embrace people criticize, why is it that 
Traditional tango, Nuevo, canyengue people don't criticize people who dance in 
close? Are they just so much more tolerant? Is there nothing to complain about? 
(BTW, I've heard some of my favorite dancers derisively called "floor walkers" 
because they prefer close."

Some possible explanations: 

In Argentina in general, tangueros are conscious that everyone has his own 
style and they respect each others idiosyncrasies. They get upset with those 
that use too much space, or bump into other couples. Mostly foreign visitors, 
because most Argentine beginners do not dance at the milongas till they know 
how to navigate the floor.

In the USA, in great part due to indoctrination by itinerant instructors, 
dancers of milonguero style have been very critical and intolerant of people 
that dance differently.

I use to discuss  these topics for days, members that were the most dogmatic 
and argumentative remain silent now, due to one thing :  videos in youtube can 
prove that they are wrong very easily. Time may have made them a little wiser 
as well.

The beginner milonguero dancer knows how to navigate the floor and does not 
disturb anyone around them. He is not going to show off, .  He can dance in any 
corner without any problem, therefore he cannot dance out of place.  

The beginner dancer of other styles,   if poorly instructed in the art of using 
the floor without disturbing other dancers, can be a big problem;  originating 
all sort of criticism not only from the Milonguero style dancer but also from 
the ones that dance the same style they do.

Trini brought up something extremely important in leadin:  The proper time to 
start and to end the lead.

Best regards, Sergio

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