Hi Allie,

AM> I was referring to the message list and TB!. For you to read a single
AM> message in an IMAP mailbox using TB!, TB! has to first propagate and
AM> cache the full message list locally. That's not too unusual BTW.
AM> ThunderBird does the same thing.

You're right, I did misunderstand. When you spoke of the message list,
I understood "messages". My apologies.

But whatever:

AM> - You read messages. As you read messages, whatever you are able to read
AM> is cached locally. So all messages that you've read are cached locally.
AM> They remain cached locally unless you delete the cache.

Technically, this may be correct from where I stand. Still, it is not
really satisfying:

For one, I may not even notice that I erase the cache. For example, I
often want to compress the files of my local mailbase to save time
when synchronizing with my laptop. To do this, I select
Maintenance/DeleteDeleted. Theoretically, this should "repack" the
folder files fazing out the deleted mails, while leaving everything
else intact, right? Wrong. After this, the complete cache is gone.

Second, even if I do nothing that could endanger the cache, I
freuqently end up with not being able to view messages anyway. Shall I
try to recount the times when I needed a message abroad and got a "no
message loaded" instead?

In my view this is a result of the cache not being meant as a
mailbase, but indeed as a cache whose contents are non-critical and
can be refreshed any time. As a matter of fact I'd be using the cache
in a way it was not meant to be used.

That's why I wanted to bring this matter up now, when a basic redesign
of the IMAP- (and, I suppose, cache-) handling is taking place: To
change the flavour from "might possibly be used also" into "if you're
disconnected, use it". This would mean more prudent handling of the
cache, e.g. not dropping it without being directed explicitly by the
user and doing a full sync with every bit there is when instructed to.

AM> Note that only those messages you've viewed are cached. The bodies
AM> of unviewed messages are not in the cache since you didn't request
AM> them for viewing.

But I executed "Sync all folders, mode: complete". That should give me
everything, whether previously viewed or not.

AM> So you're using the full-synchronisation option for your IMAP
AM> mailboxes?


AM> If so, then with this mode, TB! will retrieve message
AM> bodies even though you haven't requested them for viewing.
AM> However, this sort of synchronisation is bandwidth intensive and
AM> can bog down your connection unless you have a low traffic IMAP
AM> account with not many messages.

I don't see another way if I want to be able to take everything with
me on my laptop. Besides, why should it be a problem with volume? If I
get a message, I will most certainly want to read it at some time, so
what is the difference between retrieving everything at once now
versus retrieving every message seperatly later on?

AM> Note too that I've never tried working with TB! IMAP is disconnect
AM> mode and I doubt very much that it would work as it should

Your doubt is very much justified as I can testify from my experience,
having used this constellation for some time. ;-)

AM> provided that all you're doing is reading mail while disconnected.
AM> If it did, then importing messages to TB! would work right.

Reading, replying, deleting, moving... Everything I do while
connected, except that the server is only synchronized (written
messages sent, deletions performed on the server etc.) when I get back

AM> Mulberry supports working in disconnect mode. What happens in such a
AM> mode is that you're offered to synchronise your folders prior
AM> disconnecting. Once disconnected, the cache is retained and you can go
AM> ahead and work with what you have cached. Your changes are stored and
AM> upon your next connection, Mulberry updates the server to reflect all
AM> that you had done while disconnected.

That's exactly what I'm leading to. Such a mode is not available in
TheBat, it is just "somhow there anyway" - thus bearing problems, such
as retaining of the cache in certain situations.

For various reasons, most importantly the "away issue", I need that
mode and I would be very happy to see it "officially" provided by

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