Hello, Stefan.

You wrote 10.09.2003 @ 16:30  in <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  using mailer The Bat! (v2.00.6)

ST> Dear All,

ST>   Phew... Writing API documentation is definitely a hard task for me :-)

Some extra notes to the text of API:

1. From TBP_GetConfigData description:

| ABuf
| [out] Pointer to a binary buffer that receives configuration data from the
|       Plug-in. If ABuf is a null pointer, the function must return value is the
|       required buffer size in bytes.
| ABufSize 
| [in] Size of the string buffer identified by ABuf, in bytes. If the ABufSize is
|      negative, the function must return value is the required buffer size in bytes.

Error: Abuf is pointer to a BINARY buffer, but ABufSize is the size of STRING

Also I think it would be good to get a convention to call all STRINGS buffers
inside API documentatin as "ABuf", but for BINARY buffers as simple "Buf". This
is a simple "decoration"'s convention, but I think it would be nice.

2. It would be nice to point explicitly the character of the buffer required.
For example, in TBP_GetName it is explicitly specified that it is _string_
buffer, and in TBP_GetConfigData it is explicitly cpecified that it is _binary_
buffer, but in TBP_SetConfigData - nothing specified _explicitly_.

3. It would be nice to always mention explicitly the measurement's units of
buffer's size (bytes). For example, in TBPSetConfigData it is mentioned
explicitly that the size of buffers is "in bytes", but in TBPGetDataProc
Callback function there is nothing about measurement's units of buffer's size

4. As I mentioned before, sometimes (more precisely - TBP_Setup and
TBP_GetConfigData) the AVC_OK is used, but it was never defined explicitly.

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