I have a couple of questions about your Interp patch.

In Catch.java, your patched version looks like:

        result = interp.getResult();

        if (argv.length == 3) {
            try {
                interp.setVar(argv[2], result, 0);
            } catch (TclException e) {
                throw new TclException(interp,
                        "couldn't save command result in variable");

        interp.returnCode = TCL.OK;

In the C verison of Tcl, the following appears:

    if (objc == 3) {
        if (Tcl_ObjSetVar2(interp, varNamePtr, NULL,
                Tcl_GetObjResult(interp), 0) == NULL) {
                    "couldn't save command result in variable", -1);
            return TCL_ERROR;

     * Set the interpreter's object result to an integer object holding the
     * integer Tcl_EvalObj result. Note that we don't bother generating a
     * string representation. We reset the interpreter's object result
     * to an unshared empty object and then set it to be an integer object.

    Tcl_SetIntObj(Tcl_GetObjResult(interp), result);
    return TCL_OK;

Did you try just calling interp.resetResult() ?
Why not do that instead of interp.returnCode = TCL.OK ?

When I ran the test suite again, I noticed the following

==== EventAdaptor-11.1 EventAdaptor._return_Object
==== Contents of test case:

    set x [java::new tcl.lang.TesterBean]
    set info ""
    set errorInfo ""
    java::bind $x tcl.lang.Tester1Listener.method_Object {
        return [java::new {Integer int} 1234]
    set msg [list [catch {[$x fire_Object [java::null]] toString} msg] 
$msg $err
    list [lindex $info 0] [lindex $info 2] $msg

==== Result was:
{unknown java object "java0x4a1"} {unknown java object "java0x4a1"
    (attempting to return object from binding)} {1 {invalid command name 
0"} {invalid command name "java0x0"
    while executing
"[$x fire_Object [java::null]] toString"}}
---- Result should have been:
{} {} {0 1234 {}}
---- EventAdaptor-11.1 FAILED

(11.2 failed like this too).

I am not sure if this was caused by your inter changes. Could
you double check to make sure nothing you did caused this?
I am too sleepy to do it right now. Once we get these issues
resolved, I can check in your patch, it is kind of large
so I don't want to rush on this one.

Mo DeJong
Red Hat Inc

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