CVS log entries from 26.04.2002 (Fri) 09:05:40 - 27.04.2002 (Sat) 09:05:39 GMT
Summary by authors
Author: guy
        File: tcpdump/print-cdp.c; Revisions: 1.13, 1.12

Log entries
Another bug fix from Gert Doering.
Modified files:
        File: tcpdump/print-cdp.c; Revision: 1.13;
        Date: 2002/04/26 09:51:34; Author: guy; Lines:  (+2 -2)
>From Gert Doering <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

        The VLAN ID calculation was wrong (either I had a bug in the
        switch I tested the original code against, or I was just stupid)
        - the "-1" offset doesn't belong there.

        In addition, there are some new TLV values that Cisco has
        started using.
Modified files:
        File: tcpdump/print-cdp.c; Revision: 1.12;
        Date: 2002/04/26 09:13:19; Author: guy; Lines:  (+56 -2)
Summary of modified files
File: tcpdump/print-cdp.c
Revisions: 1.13, 1.12
Authors: guy (+2 -2), guy (+56 -2)
Automatic cron job from /tcpdump/bin/makelog
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