
I've been reading the code in tcp_input.c, and am a bit puzzled by the
code ifdef'ed under TCP_ECN.

There's something which seems odd to me with the places in the code
which update tp->snd_last, and their relation to TCP_ECN and TCP_SACK.
I'll be grateful if someone could take the time and explain it in a
few words.

In this email I'm referring to line numbers as they appear today in

In syn_cache_get(), line 3777, for new connections, snd_last =
snd_und, for both TCP_ECN and TCP_SACK. That makes sense to me.

In tcp_input(), line 1868, handling of old/dup ACK - snd_last =
snd_una, if snd_una > snd_last. That makes sense, to handle
wrap-around. But, I don't quite understand why this under ifdef of

In tcp_input(), lines 1051-1054 - handling of normal pure ACK -
snd_last = snd_una as before, but the if statement is done only ifdef
TCP_ECN. Again I don't understand why only TCP_ECN and not TCP_ENC |
TCP_SACK. What's more puzzling to me is why the if statement if under
an ifdef, while the action is not.

David Bar
david dot bar at gmail dot com

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