TeXLive 2021 has been officially released (but may not yet
have reached all the mirrors). The 2021 release provides
musixtex (1.31), pmx (2.94a 2021-01-28), M-Tx (0.63c),
autosp (2021-01-07) and, for the first time, xml2pmx

Compiled binaries are provided for many Unix-like platforms,
including Linux and MacOSX, and for Windows (but Windows
users may find MiKTeX to be more convenient). Check out
installation instructions here:


If your system has texlive-derived packages installed by a
distribution package manager, you should remove these before
installing texlive itself.

If you have enough disk space, TeXLive 2021 can be installed
in parallel with one or more older versions, but most
users should first uninstall an existing active TeXLive as

tlmgr remove -all

This will not remove "local" or "personal" additions,
provided you have not put them into the texmf-dist tree.

Bob Tennent
TeX-music@tug.org mailing list
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