On Thu, 17 Jan 2002 15:22:03 +0100 (MET), Stefan Becuwe wrote:
> I wonder if, what happens with the following example file, is supposed to
> happen or not.
> "Interesting" is shown in the default blue, associated with
> "lightbackground".  When step 1 is shown, this block seems to be in
> black.  When step 2 is shown, the color of block 1 is changed to the
> default blue, and now block 2 is in black.  
> {
>   \step{  %step 1
>     aksjd f;lasjfl;kas f askfjl kasjfl asfl;kjas ;lfjlas fl;kas lkjas;lf
>     jaslfj lasjf lkjas flasjl;f jalsf jlasjf ;k lksdjfla jsf;l salkfj
>     laskjf l;asjf lasj flkaslf jaslf jask jfl; \\
>     }
>   \step{  %step 2
>     \textbf{\textcolor{green}{Conclusion}}:  \\
>     aksjd f;lasjfl;kas f askfjl kasjfl asfl;kjas ;lfjlas fl;kas lkjas;lf
>     jaslfj lasjf lkjas flasjl;f jalsf jlasjf ;k lksdjfla jsf;l salkfj
>     laskjf l;asjf lasj flkaslf jaslf jask jfl;
>     }
>   }

To understand this behaviour, recall what you requested by 
using \let\activatestep=\highlightenhanced:

The contents of any step which is displayed for the first time
are highlighted by \enhancecolors.

\enhancecolors tries to put every color in its `enhanced' form.
If there is no predefined enhanced version, texpower tries to
`extrapolate' from the difference between page color and the
standard color. On dark backgrounds, this is nice, but on
light backgrounds it tends to give a somewhat counterintuitive
effect because colors tend to become darker.

As I seldomly use this effect (and am not really a designer),
there are no predefined `enhanced' colors in the standard setup,
but you can easily make them yourself by prepending "e" to a 
color name.


in the preamble will give a much more `enhanced' effect for the
text color.

> Is there a way to let the
> steps be shown in the default color?

That's easy: Just leave out \let\activatestep=\highlightenhanced.


  Stephan Lehmke                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Fachbereich Informatik, LS I   Tel. +49 231 755 6434 
  Universitaet Dortmund          FAX              6555
  D-44221 Dortmund, Germany             

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