On Dec 16, 2007 7:03 PM, Skippy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> La fel ca în cazul multor altor produse (.NET, Internet Explorer 7,
> Vista), OOXML este doar o replică la o ameninţarea concurenţială.
> Dacă acea ameninţare nu ar fi existat, aceste produse nu ar fi apărut
> niciodată. Un monopol nu are nevoie să inoveze.

ultima propozitiune mi-a declansat amintirea unui articol citit despre
istoria MS din perspectiva baricadei ODF, insa care mie mi se pare
documentat, comentariile sunt binevenite, poate mai invat si eu cate

Mi s-a parut foarte interesant, citat din Chapter 2:

" Instead, Gates and his partners paid careful attention to what was
available and successful in the marketplace, and had no compunction
about copying the basic designs of products already in the market.  In
any event, while Microsoft's developers could be creative at the code
level, its success was built far more on innovation in business
strategy rather than innovation at the level of product design.  In
the early days of Microsoft, this path was eminently available,
because software could not then be patented.  Even after that rule was
conclusively overturned in the courts in 1998 (ruling on a patent
initially granted in 1993), copying the concepts, but not the actual
copyright-protected code or screen displays of existing software
remained fair game for a time.  Only gradually did a sufficient number
of software patents accumulate to begin to inhibit the ability of one
vendor to create products that substantially replicated the
functionalities of competing products."



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