This is from my student whose husband is color-blind, and I thought all
would appreciate it (not only those who so thoroughly investigated the color
blind issue). She tended to be a bit jaded in the classroom and I think the
exposure to the intellectual enthusiasm of TIPS opened a new window for her.

Even though we always hope our schools offer it, our students may not always
have a chance to share in an atmosphere of intellectual curiosity such as
that we all share on TIPS.  Kudos, Bill and all TIPSpersons!

> This is really cool, more than the information about color-blindness, the
>level of intellectual curiousity. It is all too rare to find people who
>want to find out things just for the sake of it. It is one of the most
>rewarding parts of being in school. thanks, Fern

Beth Benoit
University System of New Hampshire

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