Title: Re: Teaching About Sex - videos
Laura asked for video suggestions:

A big vote for "Love, Lust and Marriage - Why We Stay and Why We Stray."  It's one of those John Stossel videos (okay, some of you will groan) BUT students love them.  It was an ABC special, I think, picked up by Films for the Humanities and Science.  It's very well done and I recommend it highly.

Beth Benoit
University System of New Hampshire

on 6/7/02 12:09 PM, Laura Valvatne at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

All of your comments and suggestions have been very helpful.  Thank you.  There have been no suggestions for videos do you think this implies we don¹t have any available to us when it comes to the emotional, cognitive, social, aspects of sex? I left ³behavioral² out for a reason‹that one could be covered by going down to my local video rental store and renting a triple X movie‹I think. J

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