How about the people on the list from the UK. A support group here would be 
good. How many people are from the UK in this group & interested?? 
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On 26 Mar 2013, at 16:51, "Deborah Nord Capen" <> wrote:

> I hope that people on this list are reading about and keeping informed of the 
> fundraisers about the U.S.  Several very energetic members are putting a lot 
> of effort and energy into the events and I hope they are not going 
> unrewarded.  If you are able to attend any of the events, please do so. If 
> you are able to help out in any way with your expertise, I know it would be 
> much appreciated.  So far, the events are happening in Pennsylvania, South 
> New Jersey, Georgia (YAY Kim!!!), Maryland and Florida.  We would love to 
> make it TEN Cities throughout the U.S., but five is still awesome.
> This is also a great way of starting a support group in your area, getting 
> out and meeting others with TM in your area, getting out and walking (or 
> rolling), and getting some fresh air and sunshine.  If you have any 
> questions, please check out the website at
> Debbie
> P BE GREEN! Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail

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