I noticed that is pratically impossible to retrieve a JNDI resource 
outside a webapp.If I need to access my resourse in some classes 
istantiated outside a single webapp, I always get an exception.

Name jdbc/myDS is not bound in this Context

I read the docs. If I understand well, the initialContext is read-only, 
(for this reason I cannot published a resource there), then the only 
context available is "java:comp/env", available only insdie a webapp.
I think that a solution could be: since initialContext for sure is 
initialized before webapps, if I can publish a resource there, then I 
can access this resource outside a webapp. have I understood well, is it 
so impossible to publish in the initialContext, like in other 
Application servers?
is there a way to access a JNDI resource outside a webapp?
or is it a limitation of the JNDI implementation in Tomcat?

Thank you in advance for suggestions or explanation.

Luca Zago
Senior IT Developer

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