Hi Tim,

Nice work at sourceforge.

Quick comments:
1.  Even though the 4.1 classloader tries to explain  classloader hierarchies,
not many are knowledgeable to understand that sometimes a jar in the parent
classloader might have to be changed to load classes from child classloaders
via Thread.getContextClassLoader().load("className").
// I've probably got the API incorrect, but I've been spoilt by Visual Age and
it's method lookups, and am at a cyber cafe right now. Please bear with me.

Perhaps we could have a note somewhere that mentions how to tackle the
ClassNotFound Exceptions ?

e.g. if someone's got a mysql.jar in commons, then one will be able to store
objects into blobs, but not retrieve  blobs into objects, because of class 
visibility issues. At such a time, things get more confusing. "If it could
write data, w hy can it not read it back now !".

2. Embedding Tomcat.
A quick 5-10 line note on what embedding involves, perhaps ?
Tomcat's a great way to learn about web servers, and servlets, etc.
Unfortunately, not all undre-grad students really understand OO right away.
Perhaps, even a pointer to the Embedded class might help ?

3. A note  that one should NOT use  PkZip to  uncompress tgz in windows.
I've faced problems here. Sure, the download page does point out to separate
links for Windows and Linux, but "If PKZip opens the archive, then things must
be OK, huh? " Currently winzip seems be the only Archival tool that 
uncompresses the tgzs at jakarta-tomcat correctly.
I'd spent three days hunting down virii and performing scandisks, because I had
broken links in my download of the source.

Not many beginners will really appreciate stuff like "gnu extensions" etc. If
they see a smaller file, they download that.

I can't submit anything myself right now, I'm travelling and can only send
plain text files. Please let me know if someone is willing to patch these in.

-- Sriram

--- Tim Funk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I noticed there is a FAQ option for the user list if a message is sent 
> to: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> but there isn't a FAQ available.
> <snip>
> FAQ - Frequently asked questions of the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list.
> None available yet.
> </snip>
> I am working on a (yet another) version of a FAQ (compared to jGuru) 
> geared towards some of the common questions I see in the user list.
> http://tomcatfaq.sourceforge.net/
> How does one maintain the information coming out of the response to 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] Would it be helpful to place 
> information (FAQs, pointers to various documention, or other helpful 
> sites) there? More importantly, would users read it?
> -Tim

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