
Does anybody know if a workaround or solution was found to the
problem originally described below, involving a problem with certain
WAP gateways not accepting output generated by JSPs under Tomcat
on Unix systems??

It was posted a couple months ago, but I don't see that any workarounds
were found. Now, I am facing the exact same problem and I'm desperately
looking for a solution.

Many thanks,
Jamie Hall

Dear All,

I have noticed a "problem" with Tomcat JSP generation on Unix systems. We
are currently attempting to generate dynamic WML via JSP which we then send
to a WAP Gateway for compilation into bytecode. While testing our JSP pages
via the Nokia SDK we noticed no problems. When we started testing via
Nokia's NAMP Gateway we noticed that the code was not compiling. Further
investigation revealed the following: the JSP pages converts some new-lines
into CRLF (or \r\n) carriage returns. The Gateway does not like this and I
am not convinced that this isn't standard HTTP 1.1: can you insert CRLF
returns into chunked text data?

Ricardo Gladwell, Web Developer
Demon Internet, Westhumble House,
Dorking Business Park, Dorking. RH4 1HJ
Tel: +44 (01306) 732 356
Mobile: +44 (07779) 841 444

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