Hello everyone,

I had 3 web applications that were running under
the same instance of Tomcat and were publicly
accessible via 'virtual hosts' like:

<Host name="www.product1.com" appBase="webapps">
  <Context path="" docBase="path1" reloadable="true"/>


<Host name="www.product3.com" appBase="webapps">
  <Context path="" docBase="path3" reloadable="true"/>

Now I have to do SSL encrypted transactions and since
Tomcat is a one big problem when it comes to SSL
(I've experienced it on my own) I want to bundle it
with Apache (mod_ssl) using  JK2 connector.

I've gone most of the way and now can access applications
as and so on. But I'm absolutely
clueless on how to set up virtual hosts as I used to have
with single Tomcat. Google search gave me very scarce resources
that didn't help much. I have httpd.conf, server.xml and 
workers2.properties (and jk2.properties of course) and
I was wondering which files I should alter and what exactly
I should change.

Any hints or examples are very appreciated.

Thank you,
Yuriy ZUbarev

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