Is anyone here able to get JAAS authentication working using the JAASRealm,
Tomcat 4.1.9, and JDK1.3.1_02??

I've been having lots of what look like classpath/classloader issues in
getting the default JAASMemoryLoginModule to work.  I've read that the
jaas.jar located in Tomcat's server/lib must be removed due to some issues
regarding the server classloader.  This class I've relocated to a different
directory and included on the Tomcat classpath via the setclasspath.bat
file.  When I did this I was able to get the LoginModule to load (I can see
this because I'm JPDA stepping through the Tomcat source) but the whole
thing fails when I execute the login on the LoginModule.  This is the point
at which the JAAS infrastructure loads the JAASMemoryLoginModule.  I assume
that this fails because the classes loaded from the classpath can't "see"
the classes loaded by the system classloader (server/lib).  As a fix, I
tried to jar up the relevant classes from the realm package and put them on
the classpath via setclasspath.bat.  However, this caused Tomcat to fail to

Any suggestions would be appreciated.  Thanks!


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