Hi there,

we are creating a staging / QA environment for our websites.

We are using a Win2K server running IIS which has multiple websites 
defined (using host headers for identification against a single IP 
address), eg:

staging.website3.de etc etc

I have installed the latest version of Tomcat (5.5.7) and configured it 
using the jk2.0.4 connectors and for the default website this is fine; I 
can serve JSP's that I place under the {CATALINA_BASE}\webapps\ROOT 
directory structure. I know this isn't the best place to put them but I'm 
trying to take this in easy steps!

My main problem is when trying to server JSP's from the virtual, ie non 
localhost, sites defined in IIS.

In IIS I have added the isapi_redirector2.dll and created the 'jakarta' 
virtual directory so I'm pretty certain that I'm missing a trick somewhere 
on the Tomcat configuration side but I'm not sure where.

I have tried editing the workers2.properties file in the conf directory 
with the following entry:

info= Attempt to map requests for all JSP pages on virtual server to 

The context directory exist under webapps and was created by cutting, 
pasting and renaming the jsp-examples directory. Again, far from ideal but 
I'm just trying to get up to speed!

This hasn't worked as expected in that staging.website2.co.uk/test.jsp 
returns a 404 whilst localhost/staging_website_co_uk/test.jsp returns the 
page properly.

Attentions then turned to the server.xml file where I've really got a bit 

Should I be creating staging.whatever as an engine or a host? 
Additionally, should I be adding a new directory under \conf\catalina for 
each of the new sites, similar to the localhost directory? 

I appreciate that this is a number of questions but I've tried all the 
things that seem 'obvious' to me but I'm now flailing about aimlessly and 
could do with Some Help :)

Thanks in advance,

Michael Foggin
Technical Specialist, DDA Web Compliance Project
t: 0115 959 2089
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