Are you using the Tomcat 3.3 generated configuration
files?  Tomcat 3.3 also defaults to forwarding all requests
to Tomcat.  I assume for Apache's BASIC authentication
to be triggered, Apache must serve some content.  You
may need to set forwardAll="false" on the ApacheConfig
or JservConfig. Also setting noRoot="false" will better
duplicate the configuration file written by Tomcat 3.2.x.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: MTea [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2002 7:49 AM
> Subject: Apache1.3.20 & TC3.3 & authentication
> Hi everybody,
> I don't understand sg, pls help me.
> We have a Apache+Tomcat3.2.4 with BASIC http authentication 
> on apache side.
> It is working fine (just tomcat's class reloading is a little 
> bit urhhh...).
> So I would like to change tc to 3.3 (or 3.3.x because of the 
> ajp12 is important), but
> the authentication does not work. Ok, I find the 
> tomcatAuthentication="false"
> param at ajp12Connector, but it doesn't help me. The 
> getRemoteUser() is always null.
> Can anybody tell me where is the problem?
> Thanks: MTea
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