Why don't you compile you code as a bean and just usebean it from your jsp

-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 1:37 PM
Subject: Unable to compile class for JSPerror: HELP!

I am running tomcat stand alone on windows2000 with jdk1.3
Whenever I attempt to compile a jsp that instantiates a class of mine that
has 3 levels of inheritance with some methods that are named the same I get
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSPerror: An
error has occurred in the compiler; Please visit the URL
http://www.ibm.com/java/jdk/support for information on
investigating/reporting this problem.

In the browser and a 
sun.tools.java.CompilerError: duplicate addition
in the console....
I have researched the java error on the sun site and they say it was a
problem with the javac compiler on 1.2.2 and it is fixed on 1.3....
I can compile the source that tomcat creates from a command line with no
And just to confirm that I was really using that jdk install I renamed the
tools.jar once and got an error in the browser saying it couldn't find those
So it appears that this problem only occurs when tomcat tries to compile the
jsp even though the jdk compiler doesn't have any issues..
To add another twist I am using the Tomcat environment in VisualAge and it
has been going great.....
Tomcat is a good fit for our app dev and hosting shop in  a lot of ways so I
REALLY want to figure this one out!!!!
Thanks in advance.
Bob Jones

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