Hi List!

I have two Tomcat installs. One is on Windows, and hosts our build
system for our web service software. The other is on Linux, and is
where the build system deploys to. I want to run unit tests on the
Windows host that hit on the freshly deployed code on the Linux host.

So far, so good but there is a snag: the web service uses JNI. So,
whenever a new context is deployed, I have to restart the Tomcat
container to avoid classloader problems -- it tries to load the JNI
wrapper class twice, which causes it to just stop working.
Unfortunatly, the JNI is non-negotiable so I can't just remove it
(which is what I'd prefer to do anyway).

About the only way I can see out of this is with a SUID or suexec CGI
script run under Apache HTTPD on the Linux host to allow the Windows
host to remotely tear down and bring up Tomcat. The system is behind
firewalls and only used for development, so the security problems
aren't too much of an issue...

Actually, I just thought of a better way: use the Ant SSH task on the
Windows system with a passwordless certificate to allow logins to the
Linux host and arbitrary command line commands. That's neater than
CGI, at least.

Can anyone suggest any better methods I have overlooked?

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  • Remotely restart Tomcat container (not just a context) Richard Gaywood

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