My first mail wasn't very clear, a simple test case follow.

Sample test case

File test_include.jsp :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE toto [
	<!ENTITY nbsp  "&#160;">

	<jsp:directive.include file="test_included.jsp"/>

File test_included.jsp :

When i access to test_include.jsp :

XML Parsing Error: undefined entity
Location: http://localhost:8080/test_include.jsp
Line Number 1, Column 17:
<div><p> </p><p>&nbsp;</p></div>

If somebody has an idea thanks per advance.

Ludovic Maitre wrote:

I have a JSP 1.2 page who include some french character like &ocirc; .

The problem is that i have added the entity ocirc; to the dtd of my JSP and it seems that the DTD doesn't apply to the JSP files included from this page.

I have the following pages :

My index.jsp page is written in JSP 1.2 with XML syntax and include a declaration of the JSP1.2 DTD :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE root PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems Inc.//DTD JavaServer Pages Version 1.2//EN"

The JSP 1.2 DTD come from the website of Sun (it's annotated "DTD for JSP 1.2 thanks to Bob Foster, WebGain") and i use a modified version locally who include the following last lines :
<!ENTITY % ISOLat1 SYSTEM "http://localhost:8080/awrgfa/dtd/latin1.dtd"; >

the file latin1.dtd contain lines like :

<!ENTITY ocirc "&#244;">

(the normative syntax, used on the W3C website, is :<!ENTITY ocirc CDATA "&#244;">. It doesn't work and trigger :

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: http://localhost:8080/awrgfa/dtd/latin1.dtd(12,18) OpenQuoteMissingInDecl

I don't know why, i think it concern the people of Xerces)

So after this little work, my JSP page can contain HTML entities references like &ocirc;.

The problem is that i include the menu to the JSP page with an include directive in index.jsp :

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";>


<body link="#000000" vlink="#333333" alink="#000000" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0">
<jsp:directive.include file="/pages/menu.jsp"/>

The file /pages/menu.jsp is only a fragment of XHTML, he has a reference to the entity icirc; :

The problem is that this entity is unresolved at compilation :

XML Parsing Error: undefined entity
Location: http://localhost:8080/awrgfa/pages/modele.jsp
Line Number 10, Column 37: <option>H&ocirc;tes</option>

So my questions are :
1 - why the DTD defined in the document who include the others isn't applicable to the included documents ?
2 - Who is responsible for this bug (if this is a bug) : Xerces ? Jasper ? Me ?

So thanks per advance for any answer and best regards,

Ludovic Maître

Factory Productions                 | Tél: (33) 04 93 07 08 00
149, avenue des mimosas             | Fax: (33) 04 93 07 04 02
06700 Saint-Laurent-du-Var (France) | Web: http://www.factory.fr

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