I have a webapp in which a servlet will redirect to another remote
webserver URL which will then redirect back to my webserver after
completing its request.

me.com/ServletA   --->   remote.com/someURL  ---> me.com/ServletB

I need to be able to "re-attach" to the original session that the user had
before (in servletA) after returning from the remote site to my URL

Do I need to do anything special or can I rely on the jsessionid which is
recorded in the cookie for me.com to be automatically picked up when
ServletB is invoked again? Or will ServletB create a new session?

If cookies are switched off, what info do I need to pass to the remote
server (which can POST back anything that I POST to it). Does someone have
some sample code for ServletA and ServletB that allows it to identify the
original session, and re-attach to it?

I'm sorry if I'm asking a dumb question, but I've been checking on the net
for some answers but I don't seem to be making much progress.

I'm currently using Tomcat 5.0.16

Thanks for any help.

John Sidney-Woollett

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