
Debian GNU/Linux 2.2
Tomcat 3.2.1 (mod_jk / ajp13)
Apache 1.3.14

I've been having big problems (they might be small, but any problem 
which eludes 3 days of problem solving is big for me, no matter how 
small!) getting Tomcat to call the servlets.  I know it works to a 
degree because it responds to /admin while Apache responds to 

The problem is that I am having to install an application which isn't 
a war file and doesn't live in $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps, and on top of 
this is a vhost. Tomcat can't find the servlets, although to the best 
of my knowledge it has been set up correctly:

The server.xml has a <Host> entry thus:
<Host name="" >
  <Context path="/servlet" docBase="/var/www/gss" debug="9" />

It also has <Connector> entry:
<Connector className="org.apache.tomcat.service.PoolTcpConnector">
  <Parameter name="handler" 
  <Parameter name="port" value="8009"/>

There is a web.xml faithfully copied/adapted from one of the examples 
in the webapps direcotry.  For example (the com.servlets path is a 
legacy issue - it's due to be fixed soon)

  <description>blah blah</description>

So, given that I have set workers.properties right and there is such 
a file as /var/www/gss/WEB-INF/classes/com/servlets/MainProductList, 
I would expect that would 
initialise and execute MainProductList.  Instead Tomcat returns a 

There is something about the tomcat log file which is a bit strange, 
but I haven't managed a working installation, so I don't know what a 
tomcat logfile should look like:

2001-01-11 01:08:16 - Ctx( /servlet ): Set debug to 9
2001-01-11 01:08:16 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( )
2001-01-11 01:08:16 - Ctx( ): XmlReader - init  
/servlet /var/www/gss
2001-01-11 01:08:16 - Ctx( ): Reading 
2001-01-11 01:08:16 - Ctx( ): Add user tomcat 
tomcat tomcat
2001-01-11 01:08:16 - Ctx( ): Add user role1 
tomcat role1
2001-01-11 01:08:16 - Ctx( ): Add user both tomcat 
2001-01-11 01:08:16 - Ctx( ): Loading -2147483646 
2001-01-11 01:08:17 - PoolTcpConnector: Starting 
Ajp12ConnectionHandler on 8007
2001-01-11 01:08:17 - PoolTcpConnector: Starting 
Ajp13ConnectionHandler on 8009
2001-01-11 02:03:44 - Ctx( ): Get real path 
/MainProductList /var/www/gss/MainProductList /var/www/gss
2001-01-11 02:03:44 - Ctx( ): 404 R( /servlet + 
/MainProductList + null) null

These last two lines are what's odd: given that I've written web.xml 
to map MainProductList to com/servlets/MainProductList, and it's 
reading web.xml, why does it think the real path to MainProductList 
is /var/www/gss/?

If anyone can help I would really appreciate it.  I've spent too long 
on this already, and I'm losing the ability to think of new ways to 
look at this problem.  And if I've missed some important details you 
need to help, I'll be glad to supply them.

Kind regards,

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