Hi all,

Tomcat seems to lock some jars (in my case struts.jar) it uses in a
context after that context has been removed. Can someone please tell me
if it is suppose to do this? It keeps me from cleaning up the directory
I deployed the context in.

The deploy and undeploy proces of my webapp looks like this

  <target name="--webapp-deploy" depends="--webapp-properties">
    <copy file="${webapp.name}.xml" todir="${tomcat.dist.dir}/webapps"/>
    <replace file="${tomcat.dist.dir}/webapps/${webapp.name}.xml"
token="@@@" value="${basedir}/../deploy/${webapp}"/>
    <install url="${tomcat.host}/manager" username="${tomcat.username}"
password="${tomcat.password}" path="/${webapp.name}"

  <target name="--webapp-undeploy" depends="--webapp-properties">
    <remove url="${tomcat.host}/manager" username="${tomcat.username}"
password="${tomcat.password}" path="/${webapp.name}"/>
    <delete file="${tomcat.dist.dir}/webapps/${webapp.name}.xml"/>
    <delete dir="${deploy.dir}" failonerror="false"/>

Thanks and regards for any help,


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