
Im trying to use url rewriting (in this case ISAPI Redirect) to translate 
a search engine friendly URL (ie xyz.com/123_keyword_product_name.html) 
into a tomcat one (xyz.com/app/product.do?id=123).  This all works fine 
and dandy however there is a big problem with it.  One of the uses I have 
is to map tomcat applications to the root context as far as the URL is 
concerned, but leave them under another context within tomcat itself.
I use a shared tomcat server for several applications so they cant all be 
on the root, but reponses to search engines are a lot better if the URL 
appears that way.  The problem is that in the above example, the Tomcat 
server responds with "Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=132456789; Path=/app".  This 
Path is of course that of the context path of the application.  The 
browser doesnt thus send this cookie with the next request because the 
request appears to be to the / path;  Tomcat thus gets a new request with 
no session ID and issues another one again to /app.
Is there any way I can force the session cookie to be written to the root 
context instead of the context of the application?

Pete Storey

Kiss Technologies


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