Here I face a problem with Apache1.3.14+Tomcat3.2.1 .
I am building up a login module in which the process flows like:
In the servlet , on the successful login , i am initiating a session and
putting some values. But  I am not able to get back the same vakues in the
login_success.jsp. In fact  the session id of the session initiated in the
servlet and the same of the session retrieved in jsp are different. I have
tested the code in JavaWebserver2.0 and also in the same Tomcat-Apache
environment at some other place.In both the case the problem did not arise.
So i guess  in my environmental set up , i missed out some configuration.
But  nobody yet able to point out exactly what configuration is missing and
what is the remedy.  I am using JDK1.2.2 on WIN2K and Oracle8i. The problem
persists even after complete reinstallation of everything.
If somebody already faced it and knows the solution, please help me as soon
as possible.
Regards and best wishes

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